Lomaiviti Islands
Lomaiviti Islands group between Viti Levu and the Lau Group. Lomaiviti Islands group consists of seven main Islands and a few smaller Islands, with a population or about 16,000. With beautiful beaches, luxury tropical forests, each island unique in it’s own way, plus great diving and snorkeling make these islands unique and exciting.
Ovalau, a mountainous, but beautiful island is where the old capital, Levuka was located. It is an interesting colonial town with a lot of history. There are some nice trails starting Levuka leading up into majestic mountains, lush rain forests and spectacular waterfalls and swimming holes.
Ovalau Island is where Levuku, the old capital of Fiji is located and it the principal island in the Lomaiviti Group.
Caqalai Island has good snorkeling and white sand beaches
Toberua Island a surfers paradise
Naigani Island Resort
Gau Island is the largest of the lomaiviti islands
Nairai Island has a resort under construction
Makogai Island a government owned island and turtle breeding station
Moturiki Traditional Fijian villages
Yanuca Levu
Koro Island has traditional Fijian villages–no tourism facilities
Batiki Island know for it’s orange groves
Wakaya Island and Wakaya Club Resort a renowned ultra-luxurious resort frequented by celebrities and the rich and famous.
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